How was Created 🕰️

A timeline of how it all began...

Here is a quick overview of how was developed to be the #1 platform for AI Agencies.

2013-2024 (Background)

Operating a Website Development Agency

Before, Co-Founder & CEO Ross Fledderjohn had been operating a successful website development and digital marketing agency across a multitude of platforms, including Shopify, Webflow, WordPress, HighLevel, and more.

November 2022

OpenAI releases ChatGPT-3.5

OpenAI sets the internet on fire with the release of their latest model GPT-3.5 which is now widely available to the public for personal use. It quickly goes viral prompting entrepreneurs to begin building on top of their platform.

April 2023

The video that started it all 👉

After playing around with ChatGPT for a few months and figuring out the capabilities of building personalized solutions for customers, Ross has the idea for a white label AI SaaS platform that is specifically built for agencies.

May 2023 Version 0.0.1 is Live!

Within 2 months we developed the MVP of the dashboard to begin showing to other agency owners to gauge their level of interest and feedback.

June 2023

Initial Feedback is Really Good 🤩

Encouraged by the positive response from agency owners to our initial MVP, we committed fully to enhancing the platform, utilizing valuable insights and feedback from our Alpha agency users to continuously squash bugs and significantly improve the core functionality with every release.

July 2023

Public Release of Version 1.0.0

Relying on the feedback and insights from our Alpha agencies about specific use cases, we developed and launched the fully white-labeled, first public version of the platform in late June to early July.

August 2023

Stammer Goes "Viral" on Socials

Ross starts talking about AI in his videos, casually mentioning Stammer in a few videos. This ignites the AI tool "experts" who begin promoting Stammer in their videos as the latest and greatest thing which brings in thousands of new users.

August 2023

Team Goes Demon Mode 😈

Amidst the growing popularity of the "AAA" model (AI & Automation Agencies) and the success of numerous agencies selling AI solutions, our team expanded by hiring several new engineers and support staff to scale up operations and optimize all of the latest features and updates.

October 2023

AI Agency Community Expands!

As free weekly office hours calls grow increasingly popular, more agency owners attend to ask questions, seek clarifications, request assistance, and share the latest strategies on what's working.

January 2024

Over 2,600+ AI Agents are Deployed for Clients 📈

As agencies continue to use the platform, our community starts to grow and more agencies start to share how they are using and selling to their clients. Lead Generation and Automated Scheduling features begin development.

2024 Will Be The Year of A.I.

Heading into 2024, the team is focused on optimizing existing functionality, while strategically introducing new enhancements & features.

Ross Fledderjohn

"I've been running a website development agency (SiteRight) for the past decade and once AI popped onto the scene I knew it had incredible potential to help my existing clients optimize their websites and marketing funnels - and realized a lot of other agencies were starting to think the same thing..."