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Storage (Characters) Explained - v1.5

Storage (Characters) Explained - v1.5

July 06, 2024β€’4 min read

Definition: Storage (characters) refers to the amount of text uploaded to an AI agent's knowledge base. Characters are the unit of storage. This definition is 154 characters long.

Storage Example of a Full SaaS Mode Agency

A new agency signs up with on the Full SaaS Mode plan which includes a starting storage balance is 50,000,000 characters. This storage balance can be used/ allocated to any of their AI agents or client sub-accounts as needed.


  • Agency Storage Balance = 50,000,000 characters

On the first day the agency creates a new AI agent and scrapes their website to train the AI agent on all of their website data. After the website scrape is complete the agency selects all links to train the AI agent which total 234,677 characters. The agency's storage balance is reduced by 234,677 characters.

  • Agency Storage Balance = 49,765,323 characters

The next day the agency sells a custom AI agent subscription package to a new client. The agency creates a new subscription plan and includes 1,000,000 characters as the starting balance for the client to use for their own AI agents. After the client purchases the subscription package, the agency's storage balance is reduced by 1M characters and allocated to the new client sub-account.

  • Agency Storage Balance = 48,765,323 characters

  • Sub-Account Storage Balance = 1,000,000 characters

The new client logs in to their sub-account, creates a new AI agent and scrapes their website to train the AI agent on all of their website data. After the website scrape is complete the client selects all links to train the AI agent which total 854,334 characters.

  • Agency Storage Balance = 48,765,323 characters

  • Sub-Account Storage Balance = 145,666 characters

The next day the client logs in and uploads several PDF documents to the knowledge base which total 398,788 characters. The client will see a notification that they do not have enough available characters in their storage balance to train the AI agent on all of this data. The client can either purchase more storage or they will be restricted to their available balance of 145k characters. The client decides to purchase an additional 1M characters from the agency for $10/mo (the $10 per month is automatically deducted from their sub-account wallet). The agency's storage balance is reduced by 1M and allocated to the client sub-account.

  • Agency Storage Balance = 47,765,323 characters

  • Sub-Account Storage Balance = 1,145,666 characters

The client can now upload all of their PDFs to the knowledge base of their AI agent which total an additional 398,788 characters.

  • Agency Storage Balance = 47,765,323 characters

  • Sub-Account Storage Balance = 746,878 characters

πŸ’΅ Purchasing Additional Storage (Characters) πŸ’΅

... In the example scenario above, some time has passed and the agency has sold dozens of AI subscriptions to clients and is almost about to run out of characters in their storage balance.

  • Agency Storage Balance = 1,765,323 characters

If the agency needs more storage they can purchase more by going to the Account > Billing Usage > Auto Billing tab. Here they can purchase more storage manually and set a minimum threshold of available characters to maintain at all times in their storage balance. This means if agency's storage balance drops below the threshold, the agency's wallet balance will be charged ($5/mo per 1M characters) and the equivalent amount of characters will be added to their storage balance automatically.

auto recharge wallet

In the scenario above the agency sets their auto billing for storage to be "When your storage balance is less than 1,000,000 , your wallet will be charged $5 and 1,000,000 characters will be added to your storage balance".

After setting their auto billing settings, the agency decides to manually purchases an additional 1M characters which reduces their wallet balance by $5 every month.

  • Agency Storage Balance = 2,765,323 characters

add to storage balanceextra storage subscriptions

The agency now is able to sell more subscriptions to clients without having to worry about ever running out of characters in their storage balance.

The agency can also update how much they want to sell additional storage to their client sub-accounts. By default it is set at a 2x profit margin (Your agency's wallet is charged $5 /mo and your client sub-account's wallet is charged $10 /mo).

storage rebilling build offer

❓ FAQ - Storage Re-Billing

How does storage re-billing work?

  • When a client needs to add more information to an AI agent's knowledge base they can purchase more characters from your agency at whatever profit margin you set.

How are my clients charged?

  • When a client purchases more storage from you, their wallet will be deducted with the amount you set.

How am I (the agency) charged?

  • The amount of storage the client purchases will be deducted from your storage balance.

Will my credit card be charged?

  • No, the $5/month cost (per 1M characters) will be deducted from your wallet balance.

What is 1M characters equivalent to?

  • 1 million characters of storage is roughly equal to 100 website pages, or about 2,500 pages from a book.

Example Scenario

  • A client wants to upload thousands of documents or scrape thousands of web pages and add all of that data to an AI agent's knowledge base. In this scenario where they might exceed the default amount of storage (characters) provided in their plan, they can purchase more characters from you for the amount you set.

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